It is a profound honor to serve the children of this school w在这里 we center everything we do around our students. 我们相信我们校园里的每个孩子都应该被看到, 有价值的, 庆祝, 在澳门新葡京博彩的方方面面都得到了肯定.
我们理解 多样性, 股本, 包容 are not buzzwords to be sprinkled atop academic and co-curricular programming. They are tools we leverage to build cultures of belonging for each of the children in our care:
- 我们的 多样性 work asks questions of who comprises the Head-Royce 社区
- 我们的 股本 work asks questions of the systems and structures our students navigate once they are on our campus
- 我们的 包容 work invites us to consider the learning experiences of our students—asking questions about what and how they learn across our beautiful campus
我们的 work in building a culture of belonging is guided by the conviction that when diverse learners have access to educational ecosystems that are designed to support their bodies, 思想, spirits—when they have access to 实践 that engage them in the classroom…when learning is defined by intellectual rigor, 社区, 和自我认知,每个孩子都能茁壮成长. 在Head-Royce, 我们明白,为了让我们的学生茁壮成长, it is our responsibility not just to feed the fish but also to make sure that the water they swim in is healthy. 通过关注系统, 实践, 构建学生在校园的经历, we can ensure that we are creating a culture w在这里 students can show up as they are and know what it means to thrive.